To make it easier for players to check their account status, we have implemented a small dashboard.

21 Jan 2022, 23:23
🇬🇧 To make it easier for players to check their account status, we have implemented a small dashboard. On this dashboard, you can see at a glance whether your account is registered and/or activated. In addition, you will be able to choose a new password. It should also be noted that mail will no longer arrive. If your account is active it will change to YES in your profile. 🇪🇸 Para facilitar a los jugadores su estado de la cuenta, sobre el acceso a la BETA, hemos implementado un pequeño dashboard. En este dashboard, con un simple vistazo podrás ver si tu cuenta esta registrada y/o activada. Además, podrás elegir una nueva contraseña. También destacar, que ya no llegarán correos. Si tu cuenta esta activa cambiara a SI en tu perfil. URL: